You may think it’s complicated and time consuming to make your own tacos. Well, you are wrong.

I made these bad boys the other day and what I didn’t realise is how simple and easy the recipe and process is.

Of course, when you are in a huge hurry and couldn’t be bothered to make your own, buying store-bought tacos is an easy solution.

But, for those days when you have an extra 25-30 minutes, and you craving a healthier, fresh taco option, this recipe is a real win as there are only three ingredients.

The bonus is that most store-bought tacos are made from refined, white flour, whereas these tacos contain a good amount of fibre and are better for blood sugar control as they use a nutty wheat or whole-grain flour.

150g whole-grain or nutty wheat flour
90ml of water
½ teaspoon salt

1 Measure out the flour into a mixing bowl. Add in your salt. Create a well in the middle of the flour with your hand and pour the water in.
2 Slowly start incorporating the flour into the water, working your way outwards until all the flour has been combined with the water.
3 Turn out the flour onto a dry working surface and knead it for a few minutes to ensure all the flour is combined and to develop the gluten.
4 Leave the ball of dough to stand for 10 minutes.
5 Roll the dough into a long rope-like piece and use a knife to evenly cut the dough into 6 small pieces.
6 Using a roller, thinly roll out each one into small circles.
7 Cook each one through on a non-stick pan, for 2 minutes each side, turning the taco over when bubbles form and the underside is golden brown.
8 Fill your wrap with wonderful nourishing ingredients.
*Tip: I like to wrap the taco around my roller as soon as it comes out of the pan, allowing it to mould into a taco-shell shape.

Nourish yourself to the sunrise.

Cooked with love,
Sunrise by HM

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