Looking for a a simple grain-free cracker recipe? Well.... look no further!! No gluten. Great for a low carb diet. High in fibre. The variety of seeds in these crackers are guarenteed to boost your fibre and

This recipe turned out so well. The earthiness of the beetroot together with my creamy basil and hazelnut pesto was absolutely delicious and light. I tell you, these beet quinoa burgers are such a great option for

Looking for the ultimate pesto sauce to accompany, well…. most things actually?! This pesto is fresh, crunchy, insanely delicious and boy does it pack a nutritional punch!! Kale provides a good dose of vitamins and minerals such

Although I love eating my food, some mornings just call for a quick all-in-one breakfast smoothie. This recipe is super easy and super nourishing too. Its filled with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, fibre and polyphenols.  How does

These date balls are one of my basic go to snacks. They just tend to hit the nail on the head when it comes to the right amount of chewiness, chocolatiness, nuttiness with a touch of  coconut

Savory Beetroot Oats Bowl & Green Breakfast Smoothie Bowl   Being super confused as the whether these warm sun rays are just a taste that summer is on it's way , quite early might I add, or

Using up the Last of Our Winter Fruits   This juicy, zesty salad ticks all the boxes when it comes to using seasonal ingredients in their most nutritious form. The orangey and reddish vitality rays that burst

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” was a statement you got told blindly as a child, forcing you to eat an apple through the fear of having to go to the doctor. Well, maybe it

Nuts about nuts?! So am I. Offering a variety of healthy fats, fibre, vitamin E, magnesium, manganese and so much more; each nut or seed offers a wide array of health benefits. It is not only their

Basil is not just your grandfather’s friends name. It is a slightly sweet, yet peppery aromatic herb that is packed with health benefits. With the abundant research being done on this herb, it is evident that basil

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