Bugs Bunny, one of the most beloved cartoon characters, is not the only one who is a great fan of carrots, and for good reason.

Carrots, a healthy root vegetable, are a very good source of beta carotene, fibre, vitamin K, potassium and nutrients that promote antioxidant effects on the body. These nutrients benefit us by promoting good vision, immune health, bone strength and blood pressure control.

Ginger is one of my favourite spices as it always gives a fiery kick in anything you add it to. Ginger really helps prevent nausea and can be a great spice to use when you feel your throat tickle and your nose run. It contains a bioactive known as Gingerol, which boasts many medicinal properties, two of which include anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

From a closely related plant family, comes the root turmeric, another powerful spice. Not only does turmeric enhance the golden colour of this delicious soup, it also boosts the aromatics that waft through the air when the soup simmers. Turmeric also acts as a strong anti-inflammatory, ‘switching off’ TNF-α, the master inflammatory regulator in the body.

(makes 6-8 serves)

2 yellow onions
6 large carrots (500g)
2 cloves garlic
2-2 ½ cm piece fresh ginger (depending on how strong you want the ginger flavour to be)
1 ½ teaspoons turmeric
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tabelspoons olive oil
500ml vegetable stock
1.5 litres hot water
Salt and pepper
¼ cup toasted pumpkin seeds for garnish


1 Finely chop the onions and grate the garlic and ginger.
2 Peel then cut the carrots into thin roundels or cubes.
3 Place the soup pot on a heated stovetop. Once the pot is hot add the olive oil.
4 Add the onion, garlic and ginger, stirring gently mixing them together. Add the turmeric to the onion mixture and allow it to sauté for       3-5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
5 Once the onions become translucent, add the carrots and mix them in with the onion mixture. Leave the carrots to sauté for approximately 4-5 minutes, allowing them to absorb the surrounding flavours. Season with salt and pepper.
6 Pour in the stock and boiling water. Allow the contents to come to a boil.
7 Once boiling, reduce the heat and allow the soup to simmer for approximately 25 minutes, until the carrots soften slightly.
8 Remove the soup from the heat and using a stick or normal blender, blend the ingredients until they form a smooth soup.
9 Garnish with toasted pumpkin seeds.

**Tip: I use organic vegetable stock, however, you can make your own, use low sodium stock if you need to restrict salt or use stock cubes.

Nourish yourself to the sunrise.

Cooked with love,
Sunrise by HM

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