Although I love eating my food, some mornings just call for a quick all-in-one breakfast smoothie.

This recipe is super easy and super nourishing too.
Its filled with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, fibre and polyphenols. 

How does this glass of goodness benefit you?!

A refereshing shake made from strawberries , baby spinach , tahina, whey protein powder and almond milk- how could it NOT benefit you?!
These ingredients help to ‘switch on’ your genes involved both in anti-cancer and anti-oxidant pathways in your body. They activate your detoxification pathways and also ‘switch off’ your genes involved in our inflammatory pathways. If this was not enough, this smoothie has the nutrients needed to promote gut health, bone strength , cardiovascular health , good immune function and so much more.

The healthy fats, whey protein and low sugar content will also give you a good amount of susutained energy for the morning.


1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen strawberries
1/2 cup or 1 handful of  fresh baby spinach
1 teaspoon tahina paste
1 tablespoon of protein powder (I use whey)
2 tablespoons of almond milk (you can use water)



1 Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend till smooth.
2 Sip slowly and enjoy your morning shake

Nourish yourself to the sunrise.

Cooked with love,
Sunrise by HM

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